Thursday, February 5, 2009

Big words?

I have always striven to have a large vocab, I cant spell half the words Im saying and I dont have a huge vocab. The thing is some people still think it nescasary to say big words to sound smart. Just the other day for instance the word "pedantic" came up. Being curious I enquired as to what the meaning is, the answer I was given was "you dont need to know what it means its just important that you use"(I wont use names...Herman). Its like as long as the person your talking to is as clueless as you its OK to use big words.

The big issue is that a huge portion of college, and the youth in general, dont use words that are bigger than four letters. The way I see it there are those who can speak english well, and those who no speak english good.

Then again I cant exactly kick a ball to the other side of the world, or hit a fly with a cricket ball blind folded. Yes I am refering to the jocks of the school. It doesnt realy matter that that they dont have a huge vocabulary, they've got their huge muscles. And I guess that both could be used to scare small children. Their most probably saying, there is two kinds of people jocks and not jocks.

Back to the point of a big vocab, use with caution. People who try to hard often end up looking like idiots. For example stay away from french sayings to try sound sophisticated (jen ay se qua...I spelt it how it soungds)

Just to end the passage the definition of pedantic from is:
ostentatious in one's learning.
overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, esp. in teaching.

Keagan Leamy

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