Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The whole tooth and nothing but the tooth

Dear Form 3s

Congratulations on being selected to be part of the Form 4 English Co-operative Learning class of 2009!

And welcome to your St Alban's College English blogspot! This is where your homework, assignments, test dates and best work will be displayed. You can comment on classes, ask questions, post photos, upload news articles - whatever! The blog will be designed to keep you up to speed with what's happening in your English curriculum and in the world around you.

My son's very first tooth made its way through his grinning gums yesterday - a momentous moment in our lives! In a similar way, this English Co-operative Learning project promises to be something quite remarkable – a special element of your College experience, and something that will, I trust, prepare you for life. You will be breaking new ground (or new gums?), cutting your teeth on a whole new way of learning and growing and being. Getting a new tooth is a bit painful at first, but it’s totally worth it, because you get to chew on things you couldn’t chew on before.

As Tennyson said, ‘tis not too late to seek a newer world.’

Enjoy it!

Ma’am Reyburn

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